Submission Components

In addition to meeting all checklist items below, all articles should comply with detailed Author Guidelines.

1. Separate Title Page With Identifying Information

Authors should submit the title page with identifying information separately from the main manuscript. The identifying Title Page should include:

  • Complete title of the manuscript.
  • Running head: short title (one line), no more than 50 characters including spaces.
  • Name, degree, institutional affiliation, and country for each author.
  • Corresponding author's name and contact address (email and post).
  • Word count of manuscript (excluding references), number of tables and figures
  • ORCID identifier (formatted as for all authors.
  • Funding/financial disclosure (if applicable): All sources of funding should be declared.
  • Competing interests (if applicable): Financial and personal relationships of any author with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence the work should be declared.
  • Non-Technical Summary, i.e., a summary of your article for a wider, non-expert audience (500 to 750 words not counting towards the word limit). Please use the following four subheadings (that can be modified for theoretical and review articles):
    1. Background
    2. Why was this study done?
    3. What did the researchers do and find?
    4. What do these findings mean?

2. Main Document

  • Authors should include an anonymized title page without identifying within the main manuscript document. This includes references to ethical review boards that would help identify the authors’ institution. Identifying information will be populated at the end of the review process, prior to copyediting. De-identified manuscripts are important for masked review.
  • The Main Document should be double spaced. Tables and Figures should generally be located near their first reference in the text. Initial submissions can be in any style so long as it does not detract from readability. All papers must conform to the current version of the APA Publication Manual prior to final acceptance.
  • All pages should include a Running Head and page numbers.
  • All elements of the Main Document should be submitted as a single file.
  • In addition, Main Documents should include all of the following:
    1. Anonymized Title Page
      • Complete title of the manuscript.
      • Running head: short title (one line), no more than 50 characters including spaces.
      • Word count of manuscript (excl. references), number of tables and figures.
    2. Abstract
      • Abstracts are limited to 250 words. They should briefly summarize the motivating questions for the research, methods, results, and conclusions.
      • Keywords: 5 – 7 keywords or brief phrases separated by commas.
    3. Main Article
      • Manuscripts describing empirical studies should be structured with Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections.
      • All figures (including relevant captions) placed within the main body of text.
      • All tables (including titles, description, footnotes) placed within the main body of text.
      • Acknowledgements.
    4. References
      • References in initial submissions can be in any standardized style. Accepted articles must format references according to the current edition of the APA Publication Manual.
    5. Other information
      • As necessary, authors may wish to include information about acknowledgements, authorship roles, funding, and conflicts of interest.

3. Supplemental Materials

Supplemental Materials are not required. However, because of the strict word limits of PHAIR, authors are encouraged to make liberal use of Supplemental Materials to write additional background text, describe additional (e.g., exploratory or supplementary) results via narrative, tables, or figures, or to provide links to documents with details about study design, method, or materials. Information in the Supplemental Materials should be referenced in the Main Document as relevant. Editors and reviewers will review the Supplemental Materials when considering submissions, and they will be made available to readers upon publication. However, they will maintain author formatting and will not go through any copyediting by the journal team. As with the Main Document, everything in the Supplemental Materials should be anonymized upon submission for the purpose of masked review. See Author Guidelines for further details. Supplemental Materials will be made available using the open repository PsychArchives (provided by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology).

4. Cover Letter

Cover letters are not required. Authors should not reiterate the contribution of their paper in cover letters. However, they may wish to provide useful context about the paper, suggest reviewers who would be particularly well-suited or who may have a conflict of interest, or provide other information that may be helpful to the Editorial team.

5. Open Science

All empirical papers must conform to TOP standards as described in detail on the Open Science Practices page. Anonymized links to all relevant materials (preregistrations, data, materials, scripts) should be included in the paper. Papers that do not conform to these standards will not be considered for publication. Authors are encouraged to post all materials, data, registrations, and scripts to PsychArchives, the data repository affiliated with PHAIR and provided by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID).

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